An API key is required for all PlanOmatic API requests and can be found in your integration's details page in PlanOintegrate. If you don't have access to PlanOintegrate, you should first request access.

When testing, please note that your production API key will be different from your sandbox API key.

Sandbox Environment

The PlanOmatic sandbox environment is a helpful tool to test API usage in a production-like environment. All PlanOmatic applications and APIs have a sandbox counterpart that can be accessed by adding -sandbox the end of the subdomain. Learn more

Production and Sandbox URL Examples

# Production API

# Sandbox API

Rate Limiting

PlanOmatic's APIs are rate limited per API key to 50 API requests every 60 seconds. If your system goes over our rate limit, you will receive a 429 response back from our APIs. If you have a queueing system, we recommend limiting requests to one request every two seconds.

Error Handling

API endpoint responses will always return a code attribute. The code attribute signifies whether your HTTP request was successful or rejected. A successful HTTP request will yield 200 for a successful GET request and 201 for a successful POST/PUT request. Alternately, the endpoint will return status 400 for all rejected HTTP requests. Check out validation errors >.

HTTP Headers

In your HTTP headers, the content-type application/json is expected for all API requests. The Order API currently only supports JSON POST requests.