Keep your invoices organized with custom billing entities.
Billing entities are a tool your team can use to organize your orders to match your internal financial structure. Customize youre billing entities to be identified by your internal entity id. With each order, pass your internal entity id in the billing_entity_slug to keep your invoices organized.
Data about an order's billing entity will be passed to your invoice. For additional customization, you can reference our order metadata found in CSV invoices upon request.
Creating and Managing Billing Entities
Billing entities will be created and managed in PlanOintegrate in early 2023. In the meantime, please reach out by email to for assistance setting up your billing entity structure.
Do I already have a billing entity?
If you have placed an order with PlanOmatic, then you do! Your corporate invoices will show a "company name" column in the CSV and an "agent" column in the PDF, indicating the billing entity.
How can multiple entities help me?
For example, you may have two properties that are ready for photos. The first property is owned by the investor group Red Brick Capital while the other is owned by Blue Brick Capital. Your finance team may want the charges organized by the investor group on your invoice.
Creating these investor groups as billing entities in PlanOintegrate and sending a corresponding customizable billing_entity_slug with each order provides this organization.
Associating Orders to Billing Entities
When using the PlanOmatic V3 Order API, you will be required to pass a billing_entity_slug identifier. These identifiers are required when setting up a new billing entity and can be customized to match your internal identifiers.