API Reference

Create, track, and manage orders in your web and mobile applications.


V3 Order APIs

Order API Features

Create Orders via APIPlanOmatic's Order API makes it easy speed up your workflow. When you identify a property that has marketing needs, request them via API. We will handle the rest! Order Create >
Retrieve Order Details via APINeed an update on the status of your order? Use our Retrieve API to get the latest details on your order. Order Retrieve >
Cancel Orders via APIOrder created by mistake? No biggie! Just send us a cancelation request via our NEW cancel API. Order Cancel >
Send a Simple Services Array to Customize Your Property's AssetsPass a simple array of services that can be easily customized to reflect your marketing needs. Learn more >
Send Metadata to Customize Each OrderPass up to 4 key/value pairs to customize your orders. Learn more >
Use Organizational Entities to Keep Your Orders OrganizedOrganize your billing notifications and details based on a customizable billing_entity_slug. Learn more
Avoid Accidental Double Orders With Duplicate ProtectionSet a threshold of hours that need to have passed between orders with the same external_property_id. This is a great way to protect yourself against double ordering.

Order API Request Example

Below is an example of what a request to the Create Order API would look like. For a details on each of these attributes, check out Order Create API >

  api_key: 'your_api_key',                      // API Key
  external_property_id: '{property_id}',        // Custom Property ID passed by client
  billing_entity_slug: 'investment_entity_1', 	// Custom Entity ID passed by client
  external_order_id: '{external_order_id}',
  metadata: {
    'metadata_key1': 'abc123', 
    'metadata_key2': 'wxyz987'
  property: {
    location: {
      street: '123 Fake St',
      street2: 'Unit A',
      city: 'Denver',
      state: 'CO',
      postal_code: 'XXXXX',
      latitude: '95.784747',
      longitude: '-43.848483'
    property_type: 'single_family',
    bedrooms: 3,
    bathrooms: 2.5,
    price: 3000,
    square_footage: 1500
  services: [
      "slug": "photos",
      "quantity": 15,
      slug: 'zillow_3d_and_floor_plans', 
      quantity: 1
  property_access: {
    vacant: true,
    method_of_access: 'lockbox_code',
    access_code: 'XXXX',
    lockbox_location: 'Behind A/C Unit',
    preferred_date: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    onsite_contact_name: 'Jane Doe',
    onsite_contact_phone: '+1 555-555-5555',
    onsite_contact_email: 'jdoe@example.com'
  order_notes: 'Some special instructions.'

Order API Response Example

Below is an example of the response object you would receive from the order retrieve API.

  "order_id": "654321", 						// PlanOmatic Order ID
  "external_property_id": "{property_id}", 		// Custom Property ID passed by client
  "external_order_id": "{external_order_id}",
  "created": "2021-05-18T18:03:30.000Z",
  "order_status": "completed",
  "event": "order.delivered",
  "billing_entity": {
    "slug": "investment_entity_1",
    "name": "Investment Entity Number 1"
  "property": {
    "location": {
      "address": "123 Fake St, Unit A, Denver, CO, 80205",
      "street": "123 Fake St",
      "street2": "Unit A",
      "city": "Denver",
      "state": "CO",
      "postal_code": "80205",
      "country": "US",
      "market": "Denver",
      "latitude": "95.784747",
      "longitude": "-43.848483",
    "property_type": "single_family",
    "bedrooms": 3,
    "bathrooms": 2.5,
    "price": 3000,
    "square_footage": 1500
  "services": [
      "slug": "photos",
      "quantity": 15,
      "name": "Photos",
      "price": 12500
      "slug": "zillow_3d_and_floor_plans",
      "quantity": 1,
      "name": "Zillow 3D Home Tour and Floor Plans",
      "price": 12500
  "property_access": {
    "vacant": true,
    "method_of_access": "lockbox_code",
    "access_code": "4321",
    "lockbox_location": "Behind A/C Unit",
    "preferred_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "onsite_contact_name": "Jane Doe",
    "onsite_contact_email": "jdoe@example.com",
    "onsite_contact_phone": "+1 555-555-5555"
  "order_notes": "Some special instructions",
  "appointments": [
      "appointment_id": "7654321",
      "start_datetime": "2021-05-20T18:00:00.000+00:00",
      "end_datetime": "2021-05-20T18:30:00.000+00:00",
      "duration_m": 30,
      "planotech_name": "Bobby",
      "cancelation_reason": null,
      "cancelation_notes": null,
  "order_cancelation_reason": null,
  "order_cancelation_notes": null,
  "unable_to_complete_appt": false,
  "unable_to_complete_appt_reason": null,
  "unable_to_complete_appt_notes": null,
  "links": {
    "zillow_3d_link": "https: //www.zillow.com/view-3d-home/XXXXXXXXXX",
    "photo_manage_link": "https: //go.planomatic.com/planox/manage_photos/XXXXXX"
  "photos": [
      "sequence": 1,
      "caption": "Front View",
      "full_size_url": "https://g2-tour-files.cdn.planomatic.com/XXXXX1.jpg",
      "full_size_watermarked_url": "https://g2-tour-files.cdn.planomatic.com/XXXXX1/cw.jpg",
      "uploaded_at": "2022-02-25T06:41:58.000Z",
      "modified_at": "2022-03-25T21:07:56.000Z"
      "sequence": 2,
      "caption": "Kitchen",
      "full_size_url": "https://g2-tour-files.cdn.planomatic.com/XXXXX2.jpg",
      "full_size_watermarked_url": "https://g2-tour-files.cdn.planomatic.com/XXXXX2/cw.jpg",
      "uploaded_at": "2022-02-25T06:41:58.000Z",
      "modified_at": "2022-03-25T21:07:56.000Z"
      "sequence": 3,
      "caption": "Bedroom",
      "full_size_url": "https://g2-tour-files.cdn.planomatic.com/XXXXX3.jpg",
      "full_size_watermarked_url": "https://g2-tour-files.cdn.planomatic.com/XXXXX3/cw.jpg",
      "uploaded_at": "2022-02-25T06:41:58.000Z",
      "modified_at": "2022-03-25T21:07:56.000Z"
  "legacy_order_id": "543210" //Orders before 2022 may have referenced a different ID which we call the "legacy_order_id"


How will I know if my property Is ready for photography?

Typically, the indication that a property is ready for photography will rely on one of the following:

  • An important Date is entered into the system (e.g. “Construction Final Date”)
  • A certain Property Status is reached (e.g. “Vacant Unrented Ready”)
    Our team will help you identify other important criteria to consider when setting up the ordering logic.