API Reference

PlanOmatic orders can be manually placed by sending a formatted spreadsheet of orders to enterprise@planomatic.com. If any information or formatting is missing, a PlanOmatic coordinator will reply with a request for the missing info. If the spreadsheet is complete, then you'll receive a reply confirming that the batch of orders has been placed.

  • Spreadsheets can be Excel (.xlsx) and CSV (.csv) as both file formats are accepted. If using Excel, only include one worksheet.
  • Column headers must match exactly what is shown in the table below. Columns with unexpected headers are ignored.

Click here to download an example spreadsheet file.

Column HeaderDescriptionRequired?
Property IDYour identifier for the property.Optional
Entity IDUnique identifier of the billing entity that the order will be placed under. Must be a valid entity.Required
External Order IDYour identifier for the order.Optional
AddressHouse number and street of the property.Required
Address 2Unit identifier of the property. Typically used for unit or apartment numbers.Optional
CityCity where the property is located.Required
StateCapitalized two-letter abbreviation of the state where the property is located.Required
Zip CodeFive-digit zip code where the property is located.Required
ServicesServices included in the order. Minimum of one service required. For each service, include the service slug followed the quantity in parentheses. If multiple services are being ordered, include them in the same cell separated by semi-colons.Required
Unit StatusSet to "Vacant" if the property is vacant, or "Occupied" if the property is occupied by a resident.Required
Method of AccessThe method used to access the property during the appointment. Must be a supported access type. If set to "lockbox", then Lockbox Code and Lockbox Location are required.Required
Lockbox CodeCode for gaining access to the property during the appointment (if applicable).Required only if Method of Access is set to "lockbox" or "keypad"
Lockbox LocationLocation of the lockbox relative to the property (if applicable).Required only if Method of Access is set to "lockbox"
Gate CodeCode for gaining access to an external gate surrounding the property (if applicable).Optional
On-site Contact NameName of the person to contact in the event of unexpected circumstances while on-site. Also used to coordinate an appointment time if applicable.Required
On-site Contact PhonePhone number of the person to contact in the event of unexpected circumstances while on-site. Only one phone number accepted. Must include 10-11 digits.Required
Order NotesOptional notes seen by the assigned PlanOtech while on-site during the appointment.Optional