Test applications and APIs in a production-like environment without consequences.


Sandbox Under Construction

The PlanOmatic Sandbox Environment is currently in alpha testing. For testing PlanOmatic's APIs currently, please reach out to [email protected] for information on using our staging server.


The PlanOmatic sandbox environment is a helpful tool to test API usage in a production-like environment. All PlanOmatic applications and APIs have a sandbox counterpart that can be accessed by adding -sandbox the end of the subdomain.

Production and Sandbox URL Examples

# Order API
https://api.planomatic.com/api/v3/orders/create # Production
https://api-sandbox.planomatic.com/api/v3/orders/create # Sandbox

# PlanOintegrate
https://integrate.planomatic.com # Production
https://integrate-sandbox.planomatic.com # Sandbox